Sunday, April 12, 2009

It is a reality that women all over the world are victims of Domestic violence. However, as a Caribbean woman and a victim of domestic abuse, I am very passionate about this issue affecting women of my native land and sister islands.
The main issue in domestic violence is the, "Cycle of violence", itself. Not all relationships follow this "cycle of violence",but there are three fundamental stages that a troubled relationship goes through and these stages can be listed as (1) The Tension-Building Stage (2) The Explosion (3) The "I Am Sorry Stage. However, not all batterers say,"am sorry", and an apology does not determine your safety from this act of violence.
Domestic violence is against the law. If your partner hits you report it to the police as soon as possible. Remember, the police can come to you or you can go to him/her. Everything you discuss with the police is held confidential and you will have the opportunity to file a report.
Don't listen to anyone who tells you that abuse is your fault. No one ever deserves to be battered.

1 comment:

  1. So true, they will break a victim down with their sorry pleas, only to do the same thing over and over again. If the perpetrator doesn't get the required psychological help, the 'sorry' is simply a cop out...Know when to quit
